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Eco Cultivated Hilly Black Pork Hoof (Frozen)

SKU 020050

Spec. 770g-800g/pack

Origin Jilin


Rating comment rank 4

Market 108.00 CNY

Price 88.00 CNY

Member 78.00 CNY

Bonus Points 780 Points

Quantity: Total:

Not For Sale


Organic Hilly Black Pork Hoof, hoof of organic hilly black pig.

Hilly Black Pigs are raised free range on the hills of Northern part of China without use of hormone or antibiotics,drink natural spring water, and feeds are with no pesticides. Cerified Organic by both European and Chinese standard.

Organic Hilly Black Pork Hoof is best used for soup. Rich in collagen, pork hoof could be a really good beauty-care dish.