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American Sunkist Oranges(10pcs)

SKU 12020068

Spec. 10pcs/bag

Origin Amecica

Brand Sunkist

Rating comment rank 0

Market 150.00 CNY

Price 99.00 CNY

Member 59.90 CNY

Sale 59.80 CNY

Bonus Points 598 Points

Quantity: Total:

Not For Sale


Moro oranges are available from January through mid April. Moros are small to medium sized with a thin skin and few or no seeds. Slice open a Moro and you'll see a dramatic and beautiful bright red to deep maroon interior. Take a bite and you'll become a fan of the intense orange taste that hints of fresh raspberry.

As nights get cooler, the Moro's exterior blush intensifies.

Moro Oranges

Juicy Fact
All oranges contain carotene — that's what makes them orange. Moros get their red color from high concentrations of a pigment called anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are the agents believed to be responsible for cancer, aging and other health ailments.

Moro Orange Tips

  • Enjoy Moros out of hand, use them for an interesting juice or showcase their jewel-like color in recipes.
  • Toss slices or segments into salads, salsas and chutneys.
  • The intense flavor of Moro oranges is wonderful with roasted or grilled meat and poultry.
  • Melt a couple of tablespoons of orange marmalade in the microwave and tumble in one peeled, diced Moro orange for a quick and exotic sauce.